Sunday, April 17, 2011

Striped T-shirt skirt Part 2

This how we were going to sew the bands together.Rebekah is sewing the first 2 bands together. We over-lapped them with right sides together, making sure we sewed on the opposite side of the hem. Also, we had to make sure we lined up the side seams. (After we had finished this project, I thought it might have been easier to make the bands1" too big, then when we were done, just sew 1/2" seams on both sides. That way it would be a very neat seam along the side.)
Here she is sewing the next band on.
To finish the skirt, we just used an elastic waist band, which Becky is pulling through the area we sewed for it.
And voila! Here is a new skirt made out of recycled t-shirts. It's so cool because you can do any colour combo and any size. Now we are looking forward to offering this as a class for the homeschooling girls next month.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool Becky & what a good job you did, with matching colors & putting it together & it looks so nice on you. You must be really proud of yourself.
