Sunday, April 14, 2013

Homeschool Conference 2013 With Voddie Baucham

Larry and I finally attended our local Homeschool Conference this past weekend. We have missed the last 5 years and missed some really great speakers. such as Ken Ham a couple years ago.

When I found out Voddie Baucham was going to be the key note speaker, I jumped at the chance to go.

 Larry and I learned SO MUCH from this man.  His lessons were;

Don't Let Home Education Destroy Your Marriage!
Teaching Your Children with Your Grandchildren in Mind
Biblical Manhood in the Home
Bible Study Basics: How to Study and Teach the Bible at Home
Biblical Womanhood in the Home
Culture Wars

We learned the most from the session on Bible Study Basics. It was really eye opening. Of course I learned a lot from Biblical Womanhood in the Home. These were all truths that we Christian woman already know, but it is so good to hear them again.

You can search YouTube for audio and video segments of his preaching.  Also, you can check out Grace Family Baptist Church where he is the Pastor of Preaching to hear some of his sermons or check out his books, DVDs and Cd's for sale. You can also purchase Voddie's merchandise from Vision Forum.

I am now looking forward to our next year's conference where Doug Phillips from Vision Forum will be the key note speaker.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of him, but his books look like they would be VERY helpful! Teaching your children with your grandchildren in mind, sounds interesting to me. Thanks for sharing that information along!
