Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Moody Science Curriculum

Now that the end of our school year is fast approaching, I like to take time to go through our extra subjects. Science is one of them and we are going through the Moody Science DVDs. These are amazing dvds that look at science from a christian perspective. They were made in the 50's, but the messages and content are ageless.
Each DVD has a lesson about the subject on that DVD, then Irvin Moon has a message about how that science subject relates to God. I learned after the first DVD we watched that watching the whole thing at one time was a bit too much for my boys (although they are only 29 mins long!). So we watch the lesson one day, then the next day we watch the message at the end as part of our bible time in the morning, then we do some worksheets on the subject.

We watched "The City of the Bees" as our first DVD. So much amazing information. I went on line and found some worksheets we could go through and put into the kids' Science Duo-tang.

I found the "Bees Challenge" multiple choice worksheet at They had a bunch of neat worksheets on bees.

Below is the "Parts of a Bee" I printed it off so that the top part had the fill in the blanks and the bottom part had the blanks filled in already. I found it at I found the link to this at a website that had a Bee Lapbook and all kinds of information. It was has a "Honey Bee Lapbook" and I found the Life Cycle and As Busy as a Bee printouts there. As Busy as a Bee covers all the jobs the workers bees have to do.

The second DVD we watched was, "Of Books and Sloths". I got all the printouts for this lesson from We used the Anatomy Envelope Fold, Camouflage Defense, Vocabulary Flap and Jacob did the "S" is for Sloth.

I was blown away by the message Irwin Moon had at the end of this DVD. It was as if he was speaking to us today. Here are some quotes;

"Today once again the enemies of our freedom are seeking to destroy the bible. Why? Because they see something in it they fear more than the power of the atom. In it's simple truth, they see that which can wipe out their godless materialism and their pagan culture."

This is like he's talking about our own countries and our governments. They seem to be against the bible. In the last few months, I have heard of laws in Canada that ban christians from wearing crosses to work and ban bibles from even being on school property.

Right now in Alberta, we have an election and if the PC's keep control of our government, pastors might have to marry homosexuals against their beliefs and doctors will have to do abortions against their beliefs and homeschoolers might not be able to use the bible as part of their curriculum. Some might say that this is trying to destroy the bible.

He went on to say;

"If today, our christian civilization is weak, it is weak because we have forsaken our source of strength. If we have lost our sense of right and wrong, it is because we have forsaken the source of our morality. And if our young people have forsaken their faith and turned to godless materialism and pagan unbelief, it is because we have failed to hedge them about daily with a source of faith."
What an awesome encouragement for us homeschoolers: "to hedge them about daily with a source of faith." It makes me really see my job as a parent to protect my children while they are building their faith, so that they can be strong men and women of God when they are on their own.

This is the answer Mr. Moon gives for this problem;

"The only hope of our civilization today, is that we get back to God and that we get back to the salvation that He offers in the pages of His Holy Word."


"Keep my commands and live,And my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers;Write them on the tablet of your heart."

Proverbs 7:2-3


  1. I remember when we watched "City of the Bees." It was SO interesting, and AMAZING!!

    I am your newest follower!! :)

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you for taking time out to look at my blog. I really enjoy yours.
      We were blown away by "City of the Bees". My kids like to act out how the bees told each other where good food is by shaking and walking in that direction. It's so funny to watch them!
      Have a wonderful day.
